I debated whether to include a page with information about me. Not that I am shy or generally modest, but because I fundamentally believe that thoughts and ideas should be able to stand independent of their creator.

Ad hominem attacks attempt to negate an argument based on the author, and authority bias and affinity bias do the opposite. All of these are shallow as they attempt to circumvent the merits of the argument by focusing on the argument’s author.

Still, having some understanding of the writer may have some benefit. As such, a bit about me…

I’m a researcher, business owner, adjunct college professor, husband, father, and (as I’ve been told) a pretty decent cook.

My name is Shawn Herbig, and I genuinely believe that most of the world’s issues benefit more from inquiry and reflection than pontification and bombastic rhetoric. And while decisions and action are almost always needed, they shouldn’t be the first step any more than exploration should be the only step.

Partialy to quench my desire for reliable information, I founded a research and data analytics company in 1999. This company – IQS Research – specializes in primary quantitative research, but we definitely find ourselves performing primary qualitative, and secondary quantitative research, if that is what’s needed to answer the question at hand.

IQS Research is considered an applied research company, meaning that everything we do is for the purpose of solving a problem, as opposed to studying an issue. Still, we perform our work at a level and with the rigor to meet much higher standards. Over the years, I’ve co-authored some peer reviewed articles on childhood obesity, and smoking deterrence. I’ve also developed research techniques that have been designated as national best practices by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. Those techniques were for data collection as it relates to transportation research.

I co-authored a book in 2017 titled Frequency Matters™: Be a Contributor, Not an Employee! This book has been called “An approachable book on leadership wisdom”. Currently, the book is available online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Target, and Walmart. Many local bookstores will also order a copy for you if they don’t normally stock it.

In addition, I guest lecture on a variety of research related subjects and the courses I teach are Primary Quantitative Research Methods and Secondary Quantitative Research Methods. I teach these at the University of Louisville in their MSBA program. I also taught Primary Quant at Bellarmine University when they had their MSBA program.

What I have learned is that most people are willing to engage in difficult conversations and most people want the world to improve. By genuinely interrogating the issues of the world there is the opportunity to develop clarity and understanding. Through this understanding civil dialogue can be facilitated, and through civil dialogue change can occur.

If you’d like to know more about me you can view my LinkedIn profile, or you can check out this Moxietalk interview where I talk about leadership and the loss of my son.