My name is Shawn Herbig and I’m the creator of this site. As a professional researcher for over two decades, an adjunct professor, and author, my personal pursuits have often been fueled by my personal beliefs.
While many of those pursuits are rather banal, such as running half marathons and coaching runners, other pursuits have been deeper including developing best in class research techniques, or working professionally to understand the factors that promote matriculation in education, or contribute to inequality in society.
In those pursuits, whether personal or professional, I strive to develop a deep understanding of the issues at hand so that effective solutions can be developed.
Too often people posit unchecked assumptions, that masquerade as valid information, only to find that those assumptions fail when scrutinized and the problems they purport to solve remain steadfast.
In the absence of data, all opinions are equal.
At my core, I believe that the toughest problems can only be solved through deep and factual understanding; understanding of the nuance, understanding of the causes, and understanding of the contributing factors. And, when that information is known, many of the most challenging problems can actually be solved.
Let your interests and passions guide you in the questions you ask, but keep those same interests and passions out of the answers that you form.
Economics 101 textbook
If you’d like to learn more about me, I recommend you check out my LinkedIn profile to see some of my professional work, you can also check out my Amazon Author page to learn more about my writing, or you can check out my company work at IQS Research. You may also be interested in an interview I did for the MoxieTalk webcast. Here is the short version and the full interview.